Marketplace page:

Sales'Up Quick Filters for Creatio is a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of setting up quick filters across system sections and details, all without the need for developer involvement. This solution allows users to dynamically create, modify, or update quick filters in any system registry, making it easy to customize views and data displays. The user-friendly setup wizard guides you through the configuration process, ensuring that adjustments can be made swiftly and efficiently.

This versatile product is suitable for companies across all industries, offering universal functionality that can be applied to any object within the system. Whether you're in retail, manufacturing, or services, Quick Filters for Creatio empowers your team to tailor the system to meet specific operational needs, enhancing data accessibility and decision-making.


  1. Technical requirements
  2. Product installation
  3. General settings
  4. Filtering elements setup
  5. Contact us

Technical requirements

The product is compatible with all products on the Creatio platform version 7.16.0 and higher.

Product installation

To install packages, go to «System Designer» and select «Application Hub» (Picture 1.1)

Picture 1.1

Picture 1.1

On the «Application Hub» page, click «New Application» (Picture 1.2), then «Marketplace powered» (Picture 1.3), enter the booth address, and click «Install».

Picture 1.2

Picture 1.2

Picture 1.3

Picture 1.3

If you are installing a product package from a file, you must request an up-to-date package from Sales’Up support. Next, on the «Application Hub» page, click «Install from file» (Picture 1.3), specify the path to the archive with the package, and complete the installation.